老外的战“疫”日记:一个能在7天建成医院的国家 它可以做成任何事

2020-02-20 09:41:07  来源:老外Foreigner   

[摘要] 曼苏尔来中国已经有4年,从西安交通大学研究生毕业后,就在上海一家公司工作。在确认新冠肺炎人传人之后,曼苏尔就避免了不必要的外出,在办公室工作时也做了适当的防护以及必要的消毒。...



  Mansoor has been in China for 4 years. After finishing postgraduate study at Xi'an Jiaotong University, he worked at a company in Shanghai. Knowing the transmission of the new crown pneumonia, Mansoor tried to avoid going out and did proper protection and necessary disinfection while working in the office.

  On January 24, Shanghai launched the Level I response to major public health emergencies. Mansoor had two options: return to his own country and wait, or stay in China to face this situation. In order to help China, the country that givesMansoor good education and life, he decided to stay.


  On February 1, after learning that the Community Volunteer Service Center of Waigang Town issued a call for volunteers, Mansoor went to the party organization of his community as soon as possible, hoping to make his contribution. On the morning of February 4th, the 26-year-old Pakistani Mansoor came to the Shanghai Manor's preparation team in Waigang Town. Wearing goggles, protective clothing, and rubber gloves, he and other community workers started volunteering work.

  Mansoordoing volunteering work





  China is my second home and it needs me and I can not sit back. Besides, China and Pakistan are friends of all weathers, it pushed to play my role in society. Although it is least someone can do. if we all think "why should we volunteer, then we can not win but if we all think I should volunteer then we are not far from winning.



  作为志愿者最大的感觉就是幸福,我的父亲一直教我,在你帮助别人后会感到真正的幸福,现在我深有体会。我在网上看到有儿童感染被隔离,我感到很难过。一起工作的志愿者或其他人得知我是个外国人以后,会更有信心,因为他们感到自己并不是在孤身战斗,中国和巴基斯坦在需要时总是互相帮助 ,而这两个都是我的国家,所以这对我来说是个机会。

  The biggest feeling as a volunteer is happiness, My father has always taught me real happiness is felt after you help someone and I realized he is true. I have seen online stories about children getting sick because of virus and are in quarantine, I felt sad. When I work as a volunteer, the co-volunteers or other people after realizing I am a foreigner and working as a volunteer, it raised their confidence, they felt they aren't alone, China and Pakistan have always helped each other at the time of need, so, it is my time because both are my countries.




  I want to let people know about how to stay safe from virus and let them know it is not virus that kills, it is fear, I wish if I can bring up some more volunteers and we keep fighting this virus because I want to see my China happy and safe as it was before this virus and I am sure it will be very soon. After the epidemic, the first thing I want to do is go out and eat hotpot.


  Besides this, I want to go out and let people know that no problem comes without a solution, it is just a matter of time that takes while reaching the solution. so, no matter what, don't give up and stay strong, because a nation that can build a hospital in 7 days can do anything.


  I want to thanks teachers from my Xi'an Jiaotong University for always supporting me. I want to thanks all teachers for making us what we are today. Doctors and Nurses working day and night in the hospital, policemen working day and night to make us safe and people at toll tax without concerns of weather are helping us to make our lives easy are the real inspiration of daily life. I want to thanks the Chinese Government for taking good care of us all residents (Chinese or Foreigners) and praise them for their quick and better steps for fighting against coronavirus.

编辑: 张洁

相关热词: 老外 战役日记 曼苏尔


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